Career Opportunities in Dental Teleradiology

Teleradiology Jobs in India

The Global Teleradiology Market size is expected to reach $8 billion by 2025 as reported by PRNewswire. Technological advancement in the field of teleradiology is rapid and there has been awareness among patients too about the agility of care that can be extended through teleradiology.

The implementation of Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), and rising R&D efforts have increased the need for teleradiology facilities. CT Scan, PET CT Scan, PSMA PET CT Scan, Xray or MRI are common images that have to be interpreted & quickly delivered to the health care professionals who now demand quicker service.

In the view of this increasing demand one more trend in teleradiology that has emerged is the insistence of subspecialty teleradiologists. They are focused on a particular stream of medicine- working as breast radiology, cardiovascular radiologist, chest radiology, gastrointestinal (GI) radiology, genitourinary radiology, etc,

Impact of technology:

The number of medical procedures has grown faster, which has led to an ever-increasing demand for subspecialty teleradiologists. This is a situation that has been ordained by the advancements in technology.

These new technological advancements have resulted in new imaging requirements that are increasingly complex.

The procedures have grown at a faster pace as compared to the number of subspecialty teleradiologists. One such field that has a growing demand is dental teleradiology.

As the dental procedures become more sophisticated and detailed there is a need of a subspecialist called dental teleradiologists who interpret the images of varied kinds like Cone Beam CT (CBCT). Orthopantamogram (OPG), DentaScan (Dental CT), Intra-Oral Radiographs (Periapical/Occlusal/Bitewing), Cephalogram Tracing and Analysis, Sialogram, etc.

Teleradiologists interpreting and reporting these varied dental radiology imaging modalities are finding higher demand.

The fact that teleradiology has brought promptness in the extending care to patients is acknowledged. Now gradually subspecialty in fields like dentistry where oral and maxillofacial radiology let experts in dentistry specialize in interpretation of radiographic imaging studies has been acknowledged too. This leads to the diagnosis and treatment for conditions that affect the maxillofacial region.

This is just an example of how radiology has advanced in dentistry and how treatment relies on the expert interpretation of the dental teleradiologists not easily available.

Dental teleradiologists can provide quick interpretations of the images that lead to a perfect diagnosis and treatment can be extended accordingly.

But the dearth of dental teleradiologists poses a challenge to dentists who have to postpone the treatment till they get an appropriate report.

This gap in the demand and supply of dental teleradiologists makes it necessary that more radiologists be trained in this subspecialty.

Dental teleradiologists are qualified as BDS and MDS. After going through intense study in the field of dentistry they qualify as dental teleradiolgists.

Thus, dental teleradiology is a niche field and if anyone decides to pursue a career in  this field, further has an edge over other teleradiologists. A dental teleradiologist gets to work in his/her area of interest and specializes further owing to the high demand.

Also, in rural areas where dentists rarely find a subspecialty teleradiologists, dental teleradiologists can provide the needed support.

Thus, the career opportunities in the field of dental teleradiology are immense and should be explored owing to its exclusivity and high demand.

Future Teleradiology based in India provides teleradiology services all around the globe. You may be located in USA, Brazil, Mexico, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria Ghana, Iraq, Libya, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Yemen, Kuwait, etc. or any other country- reach out to us for the best teleradiology services.