A Capuchin Franciscan brother in Ireland is conveying us the message that hope never dies as millions of people are forced to be at home amid the coronavirus pandemic. Richard Hendrick, a Roman Catholic friar shared the poem, ‘Lockdown,’ on Facebook. It is worth a read as the poem talks about fear and isolation resulted from this global public health crisis that has killed more than 11,000 people. A few lines from the poem:
“So we pray and we remember that
Yes there is fear.
But there does not have to be hate.
Yes there is isolation.
But there does not have to be loneliness.
Yes there is panic buying.
But there does not have to be meanness.
Yes there is sickness.
But there does not have to be disease of the soul
Yes there is even death.
But there can always be a rebirth of love.”
As we all arm against this life threatening virus and join hands to combat this challenge, World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the coronavirus crisis a pandemic on 11th March. Pandemic is a worldwide spread of a new disease. H1N1 flu in 2009 was the last pandemic killing millions worldwide.
The Guardian reports that in the Bavarian town of Bamberg, Germany people stood on rooftops with open windows to sing Bella Ciao, which is an Italian resistance song to extend solidarity with Italy where death toll due to COVID-19 continues to rise.
Italy has enforced lockdown and soldiers have been drafted to help as there have been 627 new deaths, the largest single day toll anywhere since the outbreak of the coronavirus. The Lombardy region has been hard-hit where infections first exploded last month. Hospitals and healthcare professionals are struggling to treat thousands of patients, working round the clock beyond human capacity.
Elena Pagliarini, a 40 year old nurse slumped at her desk over the keyboard and a mask on her face as she snatched a five minute break. Working around the clock shifts at Cremona Hospital near Milan, which is at the heart of the outbreak and has left almost 500 dead.
Amidst this situation that seems to be no less than apocalypse, teleradiology has a significant contribution to make. It plays a vital role in detecting the presence of virus and determining the future course of treatment. As healthcare professionals and radiologists around the world are preparing for this situation, the number of patients has grown progressively. The number of people getting infected by COVID-19 has surged in this past couple of days.
Radiology plays a fundamental role in the treatment process. The main contribution of radiologists is to expedite the process of exploration and facilitate it. Radiologists now have to provide not only an accurate but quick report of the images like Chest X-ray, CT Scan and MRI to arrive at the conclusion whether or not these depict the existence of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection.
Coronavirus is said to be similar to flu. But, the only point of similarity is that it is transmitted through the flow drops and by contact. COVID-19 presents a bigger challenge as it is much more contagious as compared to flu. There isn’t any vaccine and our immune system is unknown to it because we haven’t been in contact with it.
Early diagnosis of the disease is critical for the treatment and control. As compared to the RT-PCR, a chest CT image can be much more reliable and practical to arrive at diagnosis and assess COVID-19, specifically in the epidemic area.
Researchers have now found out a way to predict coronavirus through computed tomography CT evidence. Research found that CT imaging was able to identify coronavirus before some patient got tested positive in lab tests.
Teleradiolgy particularly will be the need of the hour when healthcare professionals demand their treatment to be preceded by radiological images and reports. They will need the support from teleradiologists around the world to fast track the process of detecting, diagnosing and providing treatment.
For patients living in remote areas teleradiology will be a lifesaver and with radiologists working around the clock, teleradiologists can extend their support.
Future Teleradiology Solutions, India is backed by team of expert teleradiologists available around-the clock to interpret and provide assistance to healthcare professionals / patients around the world.
You might be placed in any country, our team is with you in these catastrophic times working hard to reach out to the caregivers and health care team doing a phenomenal job. We are here to extend our support and assist even to the remotest areas where radioloigsts might not be available.
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If needs online Radiology Reporting support contact us. Future Teleradiology solutions India. 919315046466
You may be located in Bangladesh, Italy, Spain, United States, UK, Algeria, Australia, France, Brazil, Iran, Tanzania or any other country- reach out to our team.